Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm new to the blogging world.  I love reading posts from the very talented, healthy eating focused, physically fit, organized, DIY  women I love to read.  Hope you all will enjoy the blog as I post low carb recipes.  I only dream to be like the bloggers I follow, posting kick a** workouts with their recipes.  I envy those women.

Breakfast Egg Flowers

Breakfast Egg Flowers

8 eggs
8 slices of thin sliced deli meat
Chopped veggies, optional
Bacon pieces, optional
Shredded Cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray 8 cups of a muffin tin with cooking spray.
Place each slice of deli meat into a muffin tin cup.  If desired drop in veggies.  Top with cracked egg.  Garnish with bacon pieces (optional).  Finish with shredded cheese.  Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.  Let them cool a few minutes, then enjoy!